CMS CR 8581 - Automation of the Request for Reopening Claims Process.CMS CR 7834 - Modifying the Timely Filing Exceptions on Retroactive Medicare Entitlement and Retroactive Medicare Entitlement Involving State Medicaid Agencies.CMS CR 7270 - Changes to the Time Limits for Filing Medicare Fee-For-Service Claims.CMS CR 7080 - Timely Claims Filing: Additional Instructions.CMS Change Request (CR) 6960 - Systems Changes Necessary to Implement the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) Section 6404 - Maximum Period for Submission of Medicare Claims Reduced to Not More Than 12 Months.If the change or addition affects a line item instead of a claim item, please indicate which lines are being changed in the remark/note. To assist in quickly processing a reopening, any reopening request that contains changes or additions from the original claim should contain a remark/note explaining what has been changed.GOOD CAUSE- F-E (FAULTY EVIDENCE) BECAUSE….GOOD CAUSE- NME (NEW AND MATERIAL EVIDENCE) BECAUSE….GOOD CAUSE- C-A PSC (CHANGED OR ADDED PATIENT STATUS CODE) BECAUSE….GOOD CAUSE- C-A LIDOS (CHANGED OR ADDED LINE ITEM DATES OF SERVICE) BECAUSE….GOOD CAUSE- C-A PX (CHANGED OR ADDED PROCEDURE CODE) BECAUSE….
#Medicare timely filing mod#
GOOD CAUSE- C-A MOD (CHANGED OR ADDED MODIFIER) BECAUSE….GOOD CAUSE- C-A DX (CHANGED OR ADDED DIAGNOSIS CODE) BECAUSE….GOOD CAUSE- C-A VC (CHANGED OR ADDED VALUE CODE) BECAUSE….GOOD CAUSE- C-A OSC (CHANGED OR ADDED OCCURRENCE SPAN CODE) BECAUSE….GOOD CAUSE- C-A OC (CHANGED OR ADDED OCCURRENCE CODE) BECAUSE….GOOD CAUSE- C-A CC (CHANGED OR ADDED CONDITION CODE) BECAUSE….The first fifteen (15) characters of the remark/note must match exactly as shown below. If the change or addition affects a line item (shown as bold) instead of a claim item, please indicate which lines are being changed in the remark/note. Remarks/notes should be formatted as shown below without the parenthetical explanation (this is not an exhaustive list) and a narrative explanation after the word “because”. Reopenings that require “Good Cause” to be documented must have a Remark/Note from the provider.R1 = 4 yr Initial Determination (from Remittance Advice date).(For DDE claims only) An “Adjustment Reason Code” from the reopening subset below on claim page 3 (MAP1713).A provider cannot reopen a bill and appeal the same bill simultaneously.
#Medicare timely filing code#
When a provider uses this code they are attesting that they are reopening a bill already sent to the Medicare program and that there is no Appeal in Process.